SuperMap Cup University GIS Contest121*75

Task-Specific Development

Participants are required to complete spatial data processing, cartographic tasks, and system development using SuperMap GIS software suite to achieve the GIS application functionality specified in the given topic. The competition comprehensively evaluates participants' GIS fundamental knowledge, software proficiency, and development/programming capabilities.

A specified application topic and a set of simulated supporting data will be provided by the contest committee. Participants may utilize the provided simulated data, or collect their own data based on application requirements, or choose a system development approach (Client/Server (C/S), Browser/Server (B/S), or Mobile/Server (M/S)) to develop a fully functional GIS application that meets the requirements of the assigned topic.

General Reqiurements

1. Works must be original and conform to the open source rules. The copyright always belongs to the original author while the Contest Committee has the right to make public.

2. All the participants should be responsible for the copyright. If works involve reference or quote, please indicate at the end of the reports. Otherwise, the Contest Committee will hold the right to cancel the awards and withdraw the bonuses and certificates of prizes due to infringement reasons.


All the works must be base on the SuperMap GIS Software below, with the version of 10i or above.

SuperMap iServer SuperMap iClient JavaScript
SuperMap iObjects Python SuperMap iClient3D for WebGL
SuperMap iObjects .NET SuperMap iObjects Java
SuperMap iObjects for Spark SuperMap iDesktopX
SuperMap iMobile SuperMap iDesktop


1. The data used in the entries can be the map data published by nations or relevant organizations, or the big data or other source data provided by Internet enterprises.

2. Please ensure the legitimacy of the data source and the right of using and releasing data.

3. The map content shall conform to the relevant policies and laws of each country, and shall fully represent the territory of each country.

Task Reqiurements

Participants must develop a Smart Campus GIS Platform, integrating essential campus geographic information into a unified system for management and operations. The platform should provide fundamental GIS query and analysis functionalities for faculty, students, and visitors, allowing users to easily locate key campus buildings and facilities and access relevant information, explore campus-specific geographic, cultural, and historical characteristics through at least one customized feature, and enhance digital and smart campus development, promoting integrated campus management.

Participants must collect basic geographic information of a university campus. Alternatively, they may use the simulated campus dataset provided by the contest committee. The SuperMap GIS platform must be used for data integration, processing, and system development. The platform must support appropriate visualization, querying, and application functionalities for campus data. There is no restriction on spatial data representation (participants may choose:2D GIS, 3D GIS, or integrated 2D/3D GIS system). Detailed requirements are as follows:

1. Participants may choose one of the following architectures for developing the Smart Campus GIS Platform:

   Browser/Server (B/S) architecture – A web-based smart campus GIS platform.

   Mobile/Server (M/S) architecture – A mobile-based smart campus GIS platform.

   Client/Server (C/S) architecture – A desktop-based smart campus GIS platform.

2. Data Collection

Participants may collect campus GIS data using various methods, including but not limited to, vectorization, GPS data collection, oblique photogrammetry modeling, 3D modeling using 3ds Max or BIM software, and internet data sources. Collected data should include comprehensive campus geographic information, covering academic buildings, dormitories, libraries, sports facilities, main campus roads, and other key buildings and public facilities.

If real-world campus data collection is not feasible due to objective constraints, participants may use the simulated campus dataset provided by the contest committee. The spatial locations and attribute information of the features in the simulated dataset do not correspond to real-world data, participants may modify or supplement the dataset as needed.

3. Data Processing Requirements

Participants must use SuperMap iDesktopX or SuperMap iDesktop to integrate campus spatial data and complete basic data processing. The processed data should be presented in aesthetic and detailed 2D maps or 3D campus scenes.

   3.1. Create a data source named "Campus.udbx" to store all processed datasets, including 2D/3D vector datasets, 2D/3D network datasets, model datasets, imagery datasets, terrain raster datasets, etc.

   3.2. If necessary, create an "Other Data" folder to store additional datasets used in campus scene reconstruction (e.g., tile data that is not stored in the main data source).

   3.3. When creating an electronic campus map, save the map as "CampusMap". If multiple maps are created, name them sequentially as "CampusMap_01", "CampusMap_02", etc.

   3.4. When creating a 3D campus scene, save the scene as "CampusScene". If multiple scenes are created, name them sequentially as "CampusScene_01", "CampusScene_02", etc.

   3.5. Store all electronic maps and 3D scenes within the same workspace, and name the workspace "CampusWorkspace".

   3.6. The final submitted data package must include data source file (Campus.udbx), workspace file (CampusWorkspace.smwu), and other data folder (if applicable).

4. GIS Service Requirements

   4.1 If developing a B/S (Browser/Server) architecture system, the processed data must be published as GIS services.

   4.2 If developing an M/S (Mobile/Server) or C/S (Client/Server) architecture system, publishing GIS services is optional.

5. System Function Requirements

Based on the developed electronic campus map, 3D scenes, and related GIS services/resources, participants must develop a Smart Campus GIS Platform that implements the following core functionalities:

   5.1. Campus and surrounding environment map display: integrate campus GIS data with surrounding environment data for a comprehensive geographic representation. Ensure clear, aesthetically pleasing visualization of campus features at various map scales and viewing angles within the GIS platform.

   5.2. Interactive campus information query: provide convenient query functionalities for users, such as search by spatial relationships or keywords to locate campus features, click on map features to display attribute information, associated images, or additional details.

   5.3. Custom function implementation: in addition to the basic functions, participants must design and implement at least one custom GIS feature based on campus data characteristics and user needs. The custom function should address practical campus life challenges or management difficulties, such as campus tour route planning, campus pedestrian flow heatmap visualization, facility evaluation and feedback system, and user role and access control management(Note: The above are only examples, teams are free to design their own personalized GIS functionalities).

Judging Criteria

Item Requirement
System Implementation (60) The system features rich data content, follows standardized data production guidelines, and provides aesthetically pleasing map/scene displays that meet application requirements.
Supports the seamless integration of campus maps with surrounding environment maps, enabling overlay visualization of campus scenes.
Ensures that campus features are appropriately displayed based on different map scales or viewing perspectives when navigating within the platform.
Provides an intuitive query function, allowing users to interactively search for campus information, retrieve corresponding geometric locations, and access relevant details.
Incorporates at least one customized feature that addresses a common campus issue or management challenge, with a strong integration of GIS capabilities, demonstrating the core value of GIS technology.
System Value (10) Offers users a convenient platform for easy access and utilization.
Implements a robust data update mechanism.
Ensures high system stability and reliability.
Aligns system functionalities with real-world application needs.
User Experience (10) Features a user-friendly interface with well-structured menus and intuitive navigation, ensuring ease of operation. Achieves visual harmony between the map display and system interface design.
Submission Requirements (20) Source Code and Data: Code should have a clear logic structure, include explanatory comments for key steps, and follow standardized data naming conventions.
Provides comprehensive system documentation to assist system administrators with installation and deployment, as well as user guides for effective system usage.
A complete and clear video showcasing all system functionalities.
Bonus Points (10) The GIS data used in the system is entirely collected by the team from the campus's base geographic data and sufficiently meets the system's application requirements.


1. All the files required need to be submitted as compressed files in .ZIP format.

2. Structure of submission files (Items marked with * are optional for submission):

   2.1. System Source Code: project engineering files, including source code. For mobile applications, a valid APK installation package must be provided. For C/S (Client-Server) systems, a runnable EXE file must be included.

   2.2. Output Data: must include “Campus.udbx” and “CampusWorkspace.smwu”. Any additional output data should be placed in the “Other Data” folder.

   2.3. Documentation

       2.3.1. System Deployment Guide: provided in DOC format. Must include, but is not limited to, a list of required software and step-by-step installation or deployment instructions. If the system does not require a deployment environment, this document may be omitted.

       2.3.2. User Manual: provided in DOC format. Must include, but is not limited to, instructions on how to use the system’s functionalities.

   2.4.Demonstration Video

      2.4.1. Demonstration Video: provided in MP4 format. Must fully showcase all system functionalities, and should include voice narration explaining the system’s features and demonstrating its effects.

2.4.2.Presentation Slides: the PPT file used in the demonstration video must be included.

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